Oct 23, 2021
Believe it or not, both predators and prey need locations that provide cover. All types of wildlife require cover from inclement weather, too. That’s why The Backyard Naturalists share with you the many ways you can intentionally (and unintentionally) provide cover for the guests of your Certified Wildlife Habitat.
If you’d like more information on how you can turn your garden, backyard or green space into a Certified Wildlife Habitat, please visit the National Wildlife Federation on the web.
Connect with the Backyard Naturalists on the web, Facebook or Instagram.
Please visit and support our presenting sponsor, Backyard Birds at http://www.thebirdfoodstore.com. A mecca for bird lovers and bird watchers, Backyard Birds is an independent family-owned business located in Matthews, NC (next to Dairy Queen), just southeast of Charlotte.
Thanks for listening to The Backyard Naturalists. We hope you have a day filled with the wonders of nature. Get outside and take a walk on the wild side! Please don’t forget to leave a 5-star review for The Backyard Naturalists podcast.
Production services for The Backyard Naturalists podcast are provided by Downtown Podcasting. To start a conversation on how you can have a podcast, simply send an email to info@downtownpodcasting.com.